Manage Table Data Better

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

Better Data by Grouping

Did you know that RMS provides a set of dynamic grid/table displays that are fully interactive, and can be changed at any time to improve the layout and “Usability” of the information? These table displays can be found throughout the RMS and JMS systems and can be easily identified by grey colored area presented at the top of the table. This is the area where columns can be dragged for grouping. By simply clicking on any column header, and dragging & dropping on the table header – the system will automatically update the display to show the data grouping and the number of records in each group. Multiple columns can be added and sorted according to your preference.

You can also change the layout of the columns by simply re-arranging to suit your preferences, and if you wish to save the layout for future use, simply click on the [Save Layout] item on the table’s toolbar.

You can also apply custom filters to any of the displayed Column data. Simply click on the funnel icon and indicate the type of filter desired a specific record? Build a custom filter? Display all records? It’s up to you to decide!

These data “Visualization” tools can simplify larger lists of data, and help you save a lot of time when managing lists of records!